Village is good marketing center and heads of various
business houses cater to constantly increasing patronage -
Banks, Creamery, Stores, Elevators, and other Institutions operated there.
Community is center for shipping of large amounts of stock,
dairy products and other things weekly –
has many fraternal societies of its own – also home of
insurance company
Rosendale lies in the center of one of the richest farming
communities in this section of the state, and signs of prosperity among the
tillers of the soil prevail on all sides.
The village has near its boundaries, some of the largest stock farms in
the state. The herds on these farms not
only have a state reputation, but throughout the world as well and the owners
are well known in this and other states as expert authorities on matters
pertaining to this important branch of agriculture. More will be said in this elsewhere in this
The village is a good marketing center and the merchants aim
to cater to the wants of the farming community thereby winning their patronage
quite extensively. Practically every
line of business is represented in the village.
The State Bank
The Rosendale State bank was organized in 1902 with a
capital stock of $15,000. Ever since its
organization the annual reports of the bank have shown a lucrative
business. Good dividends have been paid
annually. The surplus fund and profits
amount to $11,000 and the average amount of the deposits is $175,000. The bank building is a two story brick
structure. The lower floor is used for
banking purposes while the upper story is arranged for offices or living
rooms. General banking, insurance and
conveyance are the matters given attention by the institution. The officers are President; W. J. Gillett;
vice president, L. A. McKnight; cashier, J. R. Hatch; bookkeeper and clerk,
Arthur Henning. The officers together
with Frank Lawson, Leroy Duel and C. E. McCumber form the board of directors.
Village Newspaper
The village has a weekly newspaper which is published by the
E. L. Howe Printing Company of Ripon.
Although the paper has no printing home in the village there is
considerable interest taken in the publication by the people of the village and
vicinity. Local representatives look
after the news and the publishers also make weekly trips to Rosendale to
promote the best interests of the publication.
Creamery Business
One of the important industries of Rosendale is the J. J.
Greil Butter and Egg company with headquarters at Johnson Creek, Wis., and
which has operated the creamery here for the past fifteen years. During four years the creamery has been in
charge of Arthur Oestreich. Situated as
it is in the center of a rich dairying center the institution does an
exceedingly large business in the manufacture of butter. Cottage cheese and casine are also products
of the factory. The company has
sub-skimming stations and every morning wagons gather the cream from the
stations and the farmers who do their own separating. In connection with the creamery, the company
has a large business. The ice stored
therein is harvested on the Eldorado pond.
Hardware Merchant
The village hardware merchant is A. Bluenke, who deals in
general hardware, farm implements and tinware.
He also has the agency for the Ford and Hupmobile automobiles and
conducts a garage in connection with the hardware business. His sons, H, A., L. E. and O. R. Bluemke,
assist him in his duties, the latter being in charge of the garage. Mr. Bluemke has been in business for ten
hears and two years ago erected a new building.
Weishoff Grist Mill
The grist mill is owned by A. F. Weishoff. Feed grinding is his specialty which demands
almost the entire attention of the owner.
He has been here eight years, and is well known by all in the community
as he formerly resided upon a farm and also made West Rosendale his home.
McKnight Drug Store
L. A. McKnight and company are the proprietors of a drug
store and also carry a line of groceries, paints, oils and wall paper. Me. McKnight formerly conducted the drug
business alone but eight years ago the present firm was established and the
grocery business was added at that time.
H. O. Lengeison is associated with Mr. McKnight, who is a former
resident of both Oakfield and Fond du Lac.
He is a graduate of the Northwestern College of Pharmacy of Chicago,
being a member of the class of 1894.
General Stores
One of the general stores is owned by W. H. Moon, who came
to the village seven years ago from Ashland and purchased the business of Otto
Budahn. He carries a complete line of
groceries, dry goods, crockery, gents' furnishing, shoes and notions. He enjoys a good trade and the business is
increasing yearly.
C. E. McCumber is also engaged in the general merchandise
business carrying a good assortment of wares generally found in a store of this
kind. He has resided here over twenty
years and for about fifteen years has followed his present trade. Until three years ago he was located on the
town of Springvale side of the village.
He now occupies the lower floor of the Masonite building.
Postoffice Department
Mr. McCumber is the village postmaster, the office being
located in his general store. One rural
route leads out of the village and is known as route number 10. The carrier is E. J. Ballard.
Harness Shop
C. D. Nellis has the only harness shop in the village. He came here from Ripon and has been active
at his present trade, almost continuously since a boy of thirteen years. He carries a full line of driving and heavy
harnesses and all kinds of supplied necessary for the business. He also does
harness and shoe repairing. He has been
here for three years and is located on the Springvale side.
The Meat Market
J. K. Harmer and G. H. Balcom are the proprietors of the
meat market having been engaged in the business at their present stand for a
number of years. They deal in fresh and
salt meats and fish. They do their own
Village Restaurant
Frank Stindt is now proprietor of the village restaurant and
bakery, having purchased the business from F. Smith this fall. A line of confectionery is carried and ice
cream parlors are conducted in connection with the business.
Hostelry is Conducted
The village hotel is now under the supervision of Mrs. A. F.
Young who has had charge of the business since the death of Mr. Young about one
year ago. Special attention is given to
the transient trade and automobile parties.
A livery is also operated in connection with the hostelry.
Photographer's Gallery
The village also boasts of a photographer's shop which is in
charge of C. A. Hinderman, who owns a studio at Omro. Mr. Hinderman makes regular visits to the
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Residential area |
The Blacksmiths
Wm. Gransee, who has been a resident of the village for a
number of years and who is well known throughout the community, is one of the
village blacksmith. He has been engaged
in business for many years. He gives
prompt attention in general blacksmithing and horseshoeing.
The other blacksmith shop in the village is conducted by
Albert Straws who has been at the trade six years and who recently purchased
the business he is now in at Rosendale.
General blacksmithing and wagon repairing are his lines. He is well pleased with the business outlook
and intends adding farm machinery to his line in the future.
Saloons in Springvale
The saloons of the village are located on the town of
Springvale side. F. W. Dehm bought the
business formerly owned by Mr. Peatrick and has been here since last
spring. He handles Waupun beer. His former home was Green Lake. The other saloon is owned by Carl Mueller who
has been in the village six years. Pool
rooms are operated in connection with the saloons.
Barber Shop
M. P. Wescott in the proprietor of the village tonsorial
shop. His former home was in Ripon. For the past two and a half years he has been
at Rosendale. He has been engaged at
this trade for a quarter of a century.
He also has a pool hall in the
Practices Medicine
Dr. M. M. Scheid is the village physician. He has a large practice in the village and
surrounding community. He is also
connected with the high school faculty.
Insurance Company
The Rosendale Fire Insurance company is an old and reliable
concern. Iit has been in business many
years and is writing insurance in the following townships: Rosendale, Eldorado, Friendship, Springvale
and Lamartine. Leroy Duel of Fond du Lac
is president and A. Marchant of Rosendale, secretary and treasurer.
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street scene, Rosendale |
Fire Department
After several fires which could not be extinguished by means
of a bucket brigade the residents of Rosendale resolved to organize a fire
department. The proposition met with
instant favor and in due time the organization was completed. Later popular subscriptions furnished the
necessary fire apparatus and also a fire house in which to keep it. Cisterns have been established in various
localities of the village which furnish the water needed for fighting fire
Telephone Company
The Rosendale Telephone company has been in business for a
number of years. It operates a local
exchange in Rosendale and also has several rural lines. Several hundred phones have been
installed. Long distance telephone
connections have also been established.
Lumber Yard
There is much activity about the depot as surrounding it are
the lumber yard, elevator and a large stock enclosure. The lumber yards are owned by A. Salisbury,
who deals in all kinds of lumber, lath, shingles, cement, lime, brick, posts
and fuel. He has been in the business
for eight years and has built up a very profitable patronage. A very noticeable improvement has just been
completed, a building 24 by 175 having been erected to be used for lumber
sheds, warehouses and offices
The village has two elevators, but only one is in operation
at present. This is owned by the
Lytle-Stoppenback company of Milwaukee.
The company has been in business here for a number of years and buys and
ships all kinds of grain. The elevator
is under the management of F. C. Ferch, who has been a resident of Rosendale
for many years.
The stockbuyers of the village are George Dodd and T.
Morgan. They are heavy shippers and buy
stock in a territory covering a large radius surrounding the village. Mr. Morgan ships on Wednesdays while his
competitor ships on Mondays.
Station Agent
L. J. Close is the station and express agent. The American Express company serves the
people of this village and vicinity. Mr.
Close is a busy man as there is considerable grain and stock shipping done from
the village besides the regular line of freight.
Churches and Schools
Rosendale has three churches. The Methodist
church has for its pastor Rev. S. Shaver, a graduate of Lawrence college,
Appleton. This village at one time was
included in the Brandon charge but has had a resident pastor during the last
year. Rev. C. M. Good is pastor of the
Congregational church and Rev. K. E. Behrens is in charge of the Lutheran
The Rosendale high school building is a two story frame
building with a spacious basement. It is
a four year course school. Alfred
Sutherland, son of Attorney D. D. Sutherland of Fond du Lac is the
principal. Miss Eva Roske is assistant
principal. Dr. M. M. Scheid also acts as
an assistant and gives instructions in physiology. Irene Haberkorn is in charge of the grammar
department while Misses Alta Vollbreicht and Mary Terrill are in Charge of the
intermediate and primary departments respectively. The members of the board of education are
Chas. Hill, L. A. McKnight and Frank Lawson.
Fraternal Societies
The following fraternal societies have lodges at
Rosendale: The Masons, Odd Fellows,
Rebekahs and Eastern Star. The Masons
and Odd Fellows own their own halls. The
Odd Fellows hall also contains the opera house.
The officers of the Odd Fellows are Amos Thayer, Noble Grand and A. C.
Perry, secretary. J. R. Hatch is Master
of the Masons and A. W. Marchant, secretary.
Township Officials
The village lying in two townships gives it two different
sets of officers as its governing body.
The officers of the town of Springvale are T. J. Madigan, chairman; A.
H. Bluemke and Albert Nest, supervisors; John Pettit, clerk; Jno. Heesen,
treasurer; J. Shafer, assessor. The following
serve for the town of Rosendale; George Hyde, chairman; Wm. Bartz and R. A.
Whitney supervisors; W. T. Hoyt, clerk; Archie Morgan; treasurer and V. Brown,