Here are still more pictures of old houses, taken in 1946. The captions are from the back of each photo.
Laughlin - DeSmit - moved from corner Olcott & Div. Laughlin & Carey Dry Gds.; Occupied by Will Cole & his 1st wife also 2nd.; Beautiful leaded glass over front door - robin in color! |
Judge Tompkins, Estate covered 4 blocks - joined Gillet in law firm 1847; DA 1848; Judge Fond du Lac & Calumet Co 1850-54 - also Post master; m. Amelia, eldest d of C. Davis - Taycheedah; 3 children & wife died - went into patent office Wash. DC; Superior St. |
Taylor - corner Mary's and ...; flat addition just like original Rueping house. |
Basement on "petticoat" houses: Harrison - Military Merrill; 47 Sixth St. |
Corner Seventh & Ellis - exact copy of (Sweet) French windows. Upright & Ell - Greek Revival; Sweet - Arndt at the tracks. |
Henry Boyle Home, 117 Sheboygan St. |
H W Durand & Mary Heth, Hay & grain (old 76 Third ) (SW corner Third & Park) dau Ella m. Wm Bowe; P D Rogers; Marcoe: Mrs. Bowe was sister of H W Durand |
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W corner Second & Everett; Home of Darling moved from Macy. His first home on North Marquette, north of Labor Temple set back from street. |
Original Rueping home - moved from factory site to corner Doty & Rees - occupied by Col. DeGroat, assoc. of Giddings, for a time - later he moved to 60 Sheboygan. Ruepings in brick houses near - Chas 16 Doty; Fred 18 Doty; Wm 24 Doty; Louis s s Rees 3 W of Bannister(N Macy); Georgian addition to upright. |
B F Moore - Corner Division & Marr/Marquette (Marquette crossed off) - Given to Mr & Mrs Henry Moore as a wedding present - (Louise, dau of C J L Meyer) |
Post - gone. Built for Jennie Galloway (Mrs. C H Moore) who moved to Spokane Falls after a few months. Was next to Dugan Funeral Home on Forest Ave., #90.
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