Monday, December 14, 2015

First Settler in Eden (1913 article)

This is the third of three articles published on Eden, that appeared in The Reporter in 1913.


Eden village has grown steadily since early seventies


Furnishes Good Market Center for Locality

It was in the early seventies that the Chicago and Northwestern Railway company built through Eden to connect it with Fond du Lac. L. Batterson, who owned the farm through which the railroad passed, platted out a town and Mr. Edelman was the first to purchase a tract of land upon which he built a store, which for a time constituted the only business enterprise in the town. Others soon followed and thus the foundation of Eden was laid.

Prior to this time there was not much to arouse the interest of the Eden people. Those who were there realized that the place was surrounded by territory which would ultimately develop into some of the most productive land in the county and that there was a good opportunity for the locality to be numbered among the prosperous and progressive ones of the county. Some years passed however, before there was much change at Eden. Nevertheless, the residents lost neither courage nor faith and as time advanced there were signs of improvement and growth in evidence. Steadily the town grew and as more settlers came s new spirit developed resulting in the building up os a live little village.

Development is Rapid

During the past few years the development has been a noticeable feature and has inspired all with renewed vigor. It was during this period that the residents began talking incorporation. They considered this move necessary to insure better streets, walks and improvements of a like-nature. After being satisfied that they had the population required by law to incorporate, the preliminary steps were taken, and once started on the project it was pusyhed through successfully.

It was in 1912 that Eden became inforporated. The new system of government is giving general satisfaction for since its adoption there has been much progress. The streets which had been little better than passable are constantly being improved by the construction of concrete curbs and gutters and the establishing of macadam streets. Cement walks are also becoming numerous. These things have developed new inspirations thereby making Eden a much improved cillage in every detail.

Village Officers

The village officers are President J. E. McCarty; trustees John Graham, George Flood, M. McCarty, Frank Briggs, Jno. O’Brien and Frank Rehorst; clerk William Mahoney; treasurer F. Seiloff; assessor R. Bauer.  They are all progressive citizens and have Eden’s future and welfare at hears. In their earnest efforts to improve the village they are given liberal support by the business men and people in general.

A plan which is not receiving the attention of the officers is the proposed erection of a village hall. The organization of a new fire department and securing necessary apparatus for fire fighting is also being considered.

Has Two Elevators

The village of Eden has two large elevators the owners of which purchase all lines of products raised in the community. This has established an excellent market at the village and the farmers of the surrounding country are making extensice use of the same. During this season of the year the elevators are scenes of activity daily. Considerable produce is being shipped to the Milwaukee and Chicago markets. All business enterprises are thriving. Eden’s business activities have never been greater than at present. The aim is to hold all trade at Eden that is possible and having good marketing conditions the merchants are meeting with more ordinary success in their plans.


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